Many times I had stated that one of the problems of online casinos consists in lack of gamblers' confidence in those games fairness. Unfortunately, those doubts are somewhat justified. In online casinos the result of each game, which the gambler had played, is created by Random Number generator (RNG) and displayed to the player. As the casino generates the result by itself, it has an opportunity to change it for the casino's convenience - to play against the gambler's stake or to play into its own hands. Of course, theoretical possibility of fraud is present, but there are, however, a number of fair casino, which don't fall back upon such opportunity (and even can't, inasmuch as they use software, provided by independent companies, which, among other things, also administrate the gambling servers).
However, there are some greasers, as well, who spoil the image of the whole online gambling industry. Some online casinos make use of additional means so that to prove independence of results from a gambler’s stake. Those methods are known as "guarantees of fairness" and their efficiency is really proved. However, those guarantees are not a subject of this article.
So, can the failure of trust be overcome by live dealer casinos? I'm sure it can! In general, all claims to live dealer online casinos are practically the same as the claims to ordinary online casinos: "they can generate the results profitable for them". Well, let's see, does the casino have such an opportunity?
The simplest version mentioned by doubting is that the casino does not broadcast live, but provides the players with a package of prearranged fragments. In other words, if you bet on red, you will be shown a piece of translation, where black color stake wins. This version can be verified and waved aside easily.
If in online casino each gambler plays at separate table, in live dealer casino games all gamblers play at one and the same table, so you can ask your friend to play at the casino simultaneously with you and compare the results shown. After that, you'll understand that the game is played fairly and all other gamblers are shown the same video and results. Besides, the fact that a lot of gamblers play at the same table guarantees the fair play, inasmuch as those gamblers place their stakes on different figures and colors. As a result, the casino is unable to play against one specific player.
Of course, it is theoretically possible that a casino registers all the stakes placed, estimates the most profitable number and "helps" it to occur. However, in actual practice, it is scarcely probable, because the gamblers play real, but not virtual, roulette.
Now we have to consider another question related to casino's fair play: where from the game is broadcasted. There are two versions - the game may be broadcasted from dedicated room or from a real casino. It is clear, that, should the game be broadcasted from casino, the possibility of fraud is equal to zero – the casino is subjected to a tight control by the relevant authorities, so it is unable to make use of a "manipulated" roulette. Should the game be broadcasted from a dedicated room (like in vast majority of casinos), theoretical possibility of cheating, of course, exists, however, in actual practice, such casinos invite guests and even show their equipment in order to prove their fair play.
But you still don't believe that a casino doesn't show you the prearranged results, do you? There are some more techniques used to prove that a casino plays fairly. For example, in Microgaming casino a TV screen is placed behind the dealer so that the gambler could find a corresponding TV channel and make sure that a broadcasted game is not a pre-recorded one. However, the most reliable method is to use chat. Most of casinos provide the gamblers with an opportunity to chat with a dealer even when such dealer is busy. You can check that the time on keyboard is exactly the same as time of answer. Furthermore, you may ask a dealer to make some action in order to check whether the game is broadcasted live. As a rule, dealer doesn't refuse, if you ask him to tidy his hair on the right or something else to that effect.
Generally, all abovementioned applies to roulette. However, as to baccarat or sicbo, I hardly can find any ways to cheat, inasmuch as those games are played in a public eye and none can do anything so that a figure "9" or "8" will be shown instead of "4". It is another matter with blackjack. On the one hand, it is almost impossible to arrange a pack of playing cards in order profitable for casino, because the casino doesn't know how many gamblers will play (number of gamblers changes constantly) and predict actions of those gamblers.
There is only one way I see - the casino may reduce the number of tens and aces so that to reduce the gambler's winning chances. But theoretically such cheating may be discovered easily if the gambler counts the cards played. Besides, it should be noted that live dealer online casinos use large-size playing cards that hardly could be concealed in dealer's sleeve. The cards are dealt from a transparent shoe, so the possibility of cheating at play is rather low.
I think that if you have trust in real casinos, you shouldn't doubt fairness of live dealer casino games. Theoretically, the casinos do have a tiny opportunity for cheating, but, in practice, it is unlikely that both real and live dealer casino make any use of fraudulent methods. And, of course, you can be sure that a casino doesn't play against you, because it is impossible, when a hundred gamblers play against the casino.
As I had mentioned above, live dealer online casinos use some additional guarantees of fair play and development of such casino is more expensive than that of simple online casino. Consequently, only financially successful and rich companies offer playing this kind of online entertainment. Most of all, they are well-known and that is an additional guarantee of fair play: loss of confidence is a disastrous menace for them, so they won't rush into peril.
All problems related to the security of credit cards use or to payment of winnings had been settled long ago. However, you may search the Internet for comments on each specific casino. I don't think you'll find a lot of complaints, but even if you do find them, you can always play in another casino.
However, there are some greasers, as well, who spoil the image of the whole online gambling industry. Some online casinos make use of additional means so that to prove independence of results from a gambler’s stake. Those methods are known as "guarantees of fairness" and their efficiency is really proved. However, those guarantees are not a subject of this article.
So, can the failure of trust be overcome by live dealer casinos? I'm sure it can! In general, all claims to live dealer online casinos are practically the same as the claims to ordinary online casinos: "they can generate the results profitable for them". Well, let's see, does the casino have such an opportunity?
The simplest version mentioned by doubting is that the casino does not broadcast live, but provides the players with a package of prearranged fragments. In other words, if you bet on red, you will be shown a piece of translation, where black color stake wins. This version can be verified and waved aside easily.
If in online casino each gambler plays at separate table, in live dealer casino games all gamblers play at one and the same table, so you can ask your friend to play at the casino simultaneously with you and compare the results shown. After that, you'll understand that the game is played fairly and all other gamblers are shown the same video and results. Besides, the fact that a lot of gamblers play at the same table guarantees the fair play, inasmuch as those gamblers place their stakes on different figures and colors. As a result, the casino is unable to play against one specific player.
Of course, it is theoretically possible that a casino registers all the stakes placed, estimates the most profitable number and "helps" it to occur. However, in actual practice, it is scarcely probable, because the gamblers play real, but not virtual, roulette.
Now we have to consider another question related to casino's fair play: where from the game is broadcasted. There are two versions - the game may be broadcasted from dedicated room or from a real casino. It is clear, that, should the game be broadcasted from casino, the possibility of fraud is equal to zero – the casino is subjected to a tight control by the relevant authorities, so it is unable to make use of a "manipulated" roulette. Should the game be broadcasted from a dedicated room (like in vast majority of casinos), theoretical possibility of cheating, of course, exists, however, in actual practice, such casinos invite guests and even show their equipment in order to prove their fair play.
But you still don't believe that a casino doesn't show you the prearranged results, do you? There are some more techniques used to prove that a casino plays fairly. For example, in Microgaming casino a TV screen is placed behind the dealer so that the gambler could find a corresponding TV channel and make sure that a broadcasted game is not a pre-recorded one. However, the most reliable method is to use chat. Most of casinos provide the gamblers with an opportunity to chat with a dealer even when such dealer is busy. You can check that the time on keyboard is exactly the same as time of answer. Furthermore, you may ask a dealer to make some action in order to check whether the game is broadcasted live. As a rule, dealer doesn't refuse, if you ask him to tidy his hair on the right or something else to that effect.
Generally, all abovementioned applies to roulette. However, as to baccarat or sicbo, I hardly can find any ways to cheat, inasmuch as those games are played in a public eye and none can do anything so that a figure "9" or "8" will be shown instead of "4". It is another matter with blackjack. On the one hand, it is almost impossible to arrange a pack of playing cards in order profitable for casino, because the casino doesn't know how many gamblers will play (number of gamblers changes constantly) and predict actions of those gamblers.
There is only one way I see - the casino may reduce the number of tens and aces so that to reduce the gambler's winning chances. But theoretically such cheating may be discovered easily if the gambler counts the cards played. Besides, it should be noted that live dealer online casinos use large-size playing cards that hardly could be concealed in dealer's sleeve. The cards are dealt from a transparent shoe, so the possibility of cheating at play is rather low.
I think that if you have trust in real casinos, you shouldn't doubt fairness of live dealer casino games. Theoretically, the casinos do have a tiny opportunity for cheating, but, in practice, it is unlikely that both real and live dealer casino make any use of fraudulent methods. And, of course, you can be sure that a casino doesn't play against you, because it is impossible, when a hundred gamblers play against the casino.
As I had mentioned above, live dealer online casinos use some additional guarantees of fair play and development of such casino is more expensive than that of simple online casino. Consequently, only financially successful and rich companies offer playing this kind of online entertainment. Most of all, they are well-known and that is an additional guarantee of fair play: loss of confidence is a disastrous menace for them, so they won't rush into peril.
All problems related to the security of credit cards use or to payment of winnings had been settled long ago. However, you may search the Internet for comments on each specific casino. I don't think you'll find a lot of complaints, but even if you do find them, you can always play in another casino.