Most of on-line casinos belong to the private companies which are mostly incorporated in different off-shores. The matter is that in many states the gambles including Internet ones are prohibited and the taxes are low in the off-shores. But this doesn't mean that such on-line casinos are soap bubbles. The investments into the Internet business are dealt with by respectful companies often owning real casinos. To protect the online casino players there is the option such as licensing. The states on the territory of which the company is incorporated grant licenses and control the compliance therewith. Majority of respectful online casinos invite independent auditors to make an audit, thus, in many sites you can find a logo of Price WaterhouseCoopers which means that this auditing company controls the casino activity. There are also the organizations controlling on-line casinos activity. The most known of them is such organization as eCOGRA. Many people fear gambling in online casinos, at that the following fears were expressed:
The casino may not pay my money!
Such cases do take place: there are dummy casinos appearing from nowhere and disappearing without a trace, some casinos can become bankrupts or simply be short of money. Is there a way to get yourself covered? Yes! Gamble at reliable casinos, check them before gambling. Thus, the casinos with the software from leading producers (listed here on the site) cost beginning from hundred thousand dollars, these are obviously respectful houses and not script casinos valued of 10 dollars. If you had a chance to win a lot of money (from a dozen thousand dollars), don't try to draw all the money, least payments usually pass more easily. These simple rules will allow you to obtain 100% of your money.
Hackers can use my credit card!
Such case is rather possible theoretically, but it is practically improbable. If you gamble at a respectful casino, your transactions are dealt with by the company which is specialized in Internet payments. The safety stands first on the list of such company, some companies additionally get their customers covered. I didn't hear about any case of hacking and theft of credit card numbers at Internet casinos. I personally register my credit card at the casino without fear, the theft of your money as a result of gambling at the casino is less probable than a chance to be robbed in the street. I can tell you that for 8 years I made several hundred deposits from my credit card in different casinos and poker-rooms, I had no problem!
Rigged casino software!
This problem is the most painful as it is constantly disputed. A high-quality random numbers generator should assure fair gambling of the casino. The casinos do have a possibility to swindle and play against the gamblers as the random numbers generator is on the server of the casino and they can modify the results in their favour. Do the casinos act so? This depends on the software, a concrete casino and even on a concrete gamble at the casino. There are the casinos which are considered to be real swindlers. The are the casinos and concrete gambles (the blackjack, first of all) which are constantly disputed. Practically the only way to check the fairness of the casino is to find out the experience of the other people, searching gambling forums and discussions. You can find out my opinion on several casinos reading relevant sections, but before openning a casino account read this sections Choosing online casinos to clearify some important points.
Summing up the above mentioned I'd like to tell you that gambling at the casino is safe, if you gamble at reliable casinos you have checked. Fortunately, such casinos are numerous for a long and profitable gambling!
The casino may not pay my money!
Such cases do take place: there are dummy casinos appearing from nowhere and disappearing without a trace, some casinos can become bankrupts or simply be short of money. Is there a way to get yourself covered? Yes! Gamble at reliable casinos, check them before gambling. Thus, the casinos with the software from leading producers (listed here on the site) cost beginning from hundred thousand dollars, these are obviously respectful houses and not script casinos valued of 10 dollars. If you had a chance to win a lot of money (from a dozen thousand dollars), don't try to draw all the money, least payments usually pass more easily. These simple rules will allow you to obtain 100% of your money.
Hackers can use my credit card!
Such case is rather possible theoretically, but it is practically improbable. If you gamble at a respectful casino, your transactions are dealt with by the company which is specialized in Internet payments. The safety stands first on the list of such company, some companies additionally get their customers covered. I didn't hear about any case of hacking and theft of credit card numbers at Internet casinos. I personally register my credit card at the casino without fear, the theft of your money as a result of gambling at the casino is less probable than a chance to be robbed in the street. I can tell you that for 8 years I made several hundred deposits from my credit card in different casinos and poker-rooms, I had no problem!
Rigged casino software!
This problem is the most painful as it is constantly disputed. A high-quality random numbers generator should assure fair gambling of the casino. The casinos do have a possibility to swindle and play against the gamblers as the random numbers generator is on the server of the casino and they can modify the results in their favour. Do the casinos act so? This depends on the software, a concrete casino and even on a concrete gamble at the casino. There are the casinos which are considered to be real swindlers. The are the casinos and concrete gambles (the blackjack, first of all) which are constantly disputed. Practically the only way to check the fairness of the casino is to find out the experience of the other people, searching gambling forums and discussions. You can find out my opinion on several casinos reading relevant sections, but before openning a casino account read this sections Choosing online casinos to clearify some important points.
Summing up the above mentioned I'd like to tell you that gambling at the casino is safe, if you gamble at reliable casinos you have checked. Fortunately, such casinos are numerous for a long and profitable gambling!
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